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A project of Passage Home
Trauma and toxic stress in children experiencing homelessness can result in neural changes that play a role in poor lifetime health and economic and social outcomes. Lack of early identification and intervention that builds resilience and mitigates trauma decreases their ability to thrive. To counter the impact of homelessness, Passage Home created REACH.
Children in Wake County, ages birth to five, who are experiencing homelessness will receive assessment, assistance, and support services through REACH (Resilience, Empowerment, Access for Children Experiencing Homelessness), a program of Passage Home.
Services provided include: assessment for developmental and socio-emotional concerns for all children; connecting clients to community resources that provide medical health, educational, developmental, and housing services for children and their families; connecting families to reproductive health care, family planning and prenatal care services such as WIC, OB/GYNs, and home visiting services.
Who REACH Serves:
Services are provided for children ages 0-18 and expectant mothers living near or below the poverty level in Wake County.
What REACH Does:
• Assess for developmental and socio-emotional concerns through screenings and psychosocial assessments.
• Connect clients to community resources that provide the support they need.
• Assess the child after intervention and work with the family and parents to understand the impact of the initial connection.
• Communicate with community partners the services provided to the family to decrease duplication and provide comprehensive services.
Learn more about REACH and their mission to provide housing for children and families in need: